Tuesday, March 19, 2013

MARCH 19, 2013

      This column was about same-sex marriage yesterday.  I'm sure that's not why, but support for such marriages seems to be growing.  A new Washington Post poll shows 58% supporting it.  In 2006, the Post says, opponents outnumbered backers by double digits, 58--36.

     Republicans still oppose same-sex  marriages, but the Post says those under 50 narrowly approve it.

     Obviously, some Americans have changed their minds on this issue.
 One example is Ohio Republican Senator Rob Portman, who opposed same-sex marriage--voted against it.  This week he's for it.  Portman's switch comes two years after his son told him he's gay.

     And former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is for it.
 "I support marriage for gay and lesbian couples," she said.  Back when she was running for president, some years ago, she was for them but called them civil unions.

"The times they are a-changin'."   The Supreme Court will hear arguments that could affect this.  Wow.



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