Monday, September 9, 2013


     Ever think your kid might grow up to be a cop?  Easy enough in America--Chicago, say, or Detroit.  But in Britain it's a different game.  The police who protect Buckingham Palace are supposed to protect the Royals, not stalk them.

     And yet, and yet....two days after the cops nabbed one intruder, they thought they'd caught another--except that he turned out to be Prince Andrew, second son of Elizabeth II, who reigns over the whole country.  To understate it: Ooooooooops! 

     The fuzz sent an apology to Andrew, aka the Duke of York.  He replied--these Royals are smooth, "I am grateful for the apology and look forward to a safe walk in the garden in the future."

     The newspapers loved it of course. "PRINCE ANDREW HELD AT GUNPOINT" brayed the Daily Express.

     I don't think America will compete, do you?  The Secret Service busting Sasha or Malia?  Nah, no way.

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