Monday, August 13, 2012

AUGUST 13, 2012

     American politics keeps getting weirder.  So, it shouldn't have startled me over the weekend when the presumed Republican candidate for president, Mitt Romney, introduced his running mate--the guy who would be vice-president if they won--as "the next president of the United States, Paul Ryan."  Hunh?  I thought.  Have they switched jobs before they've even won?

     Ryan gamely began orating, though I'd love to know what he was thinking--Is Mitt out of it already?  Whatever.

     Within a couple of minutes, of course, Romney had clambered back on stage to say no, of course it was a slip of the tongue.  He would be the boss; Ryan, the number two.

     I took a deep breath.  We were back to the accepted order.  But was that good?  Maybe Ryan would be a better president.  If you're for a job, shouldn't you at least remermber its name?  Anyway, maybe Ryan could run as a write-in. You think? 



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