Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9, 2009

         There's a wonderful Tom Toles cartoon in the Washington Post
today showing  a snowbound city with a TV reporter saying, "Washington is
frozen solid into a giant block of ice where nothing can advance, move or
happen," and a voice from the Capitol saying, "At last an excuse."  That
seems about right.      The stimulus bill passed but health care didn't,
nor immigration reform, nor...well, I could go on.  The Senate seems
particularly paralyzed.  Filibusters used to be rare, now they are
everyday--you need sixty votes to get permission to sneeze. just about, and
the Democrats don't have sixty anymore.  Many House districts seem more
partisan--producing conservative Republicans, liberal Democrats and fewer
moderates interested in compromise.  And the big storm has made everything
worse, of course. Transportation stalled, even walking is tricky.  And the
forecasters are calling for another ten to fifteen inches today and
tomorrow. Washington simply can't cope with that much snow.  Detroit or
Chicago maybe.  Not here.      On the other hand, there was one bit of good
news this morning.  Democracy may be snowbound here, but in Ukraine they
seem to have had a genuine election.  Nobody knew who was going to win.
It's not the sort of thing Vladimir Putin would allow next door in Russia,
but in Ukraine it seems to have worked.      I wonder how much snow they've
had.  Maybe we could send them plows. Or Congress.
Sent from a blackberry.

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