Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 10, 2008

     If Barack Obama's campaign were a car, he could have it towed to a garage and jump started there.  It seems to have stalled lately.  I'm not sure why, but the excitement he stirred during the primaries seems to have disappeared.  His acceptance speech was ordinary;  can you remember a single line from it?  Neither can I. 
     And, of course, the excitement these days is all about the fabulous Sarah.  But the campaign has a way to go yet, and her car too may stall before it's over.
     Governor Palin has brought John McCain's campaign to life--and of course she is pro-life--but she's been successful partly because she has so far refused to answer questions.  And there are some holes in her resume.  She says, in her standard speech, that she was against the Bridge to Nowhere.  But in fact she was for it before she was against it.  She attacks earmarks--those little goodies Congress sticks in bills--but in fact she was brilliantly successful at getting them for her home town and her state.
     She wants creationism and evolution both taught in the schools.  But one is religious doctrine and the other is science.
     She fought with the librarian in Wasilla because the librarian would not remove some books from the library that Palin disapproved of.
     Her church supports a program which aims at converting homosexuals into heterosexuals through the power of prayer.  Does Palin agree with this?  Would she volunteer to take part?
     You can argue for or against all these positions, but on balance she seems to be a whole lot more of a social conservative than the average voter.  And the voters will probably figure that out before November.  I can see her rallying the conservatives who were worried about McCain.  But independent women?  Democratic women?  I doubt that very much.       
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

1 comment:

JTABCMAN said...

I am thrilled to have found Bruce Morton writing again !

He was one of the best reporters ever.

Spending my last semester of college (Spring '71) in Washington, DC., I participated in a huge march protesting the war. Late in the afternoon I was standing by Bruce who was giving his national report for CBS. I distinctly remember him saying "It's been a long day.....but it's been a long war.

We need MORE Bruce Mortons reporting these days.
