Monday, December 16, 2013

DECEMBER 14, 2013

     It's been a good week for the administration as Congress finally demonstrates it can do--not just oppose.

     The Republican-controlled House actually approved a two-year budget deal, with moderate Republicans joining Democrats to pass it and Speaker John Boehner criticizing Tea Party conservatives who vote No as "misleading'  and "without credibility."

    Is this a permanent conversion?  We'll have to wait and see.  There's an immigration bill in the pipeline somewhere which will be a good test when and if it gets to the floor.

     But for now, the House did something.  It refused to allow its most conservative members from enforcing inaction, paralysis.  That could be almost reason enough for Democrats to have a party.  Or at least to be happy that Santa's brought them something nice for Christmas.

     "'Tis the season for Dems to be jolly?"  Maybe. We'll find out down the road a bit.



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