The vice-presidential campaign this time is not between turkeys, but between two men with serious Washington credentials.
Rep. Paul Ryan, Romney's running- mate, has seven terms in Congress and hasn't just been hanging out in the halls. He is chairman of the House Budget Committee and a leader of the party in crafting the right-wing Republicans' budget: replace Medicare with a voucher system and all that.
Joe Biden is the sitting VP of course, and has a reputation for offering tough advice, whether it's been asked for or not, in his forty years on Capitol Hill.
He has long had a reputation for gaffes. I remember sitting at a Senate hearing once--subject long-forgotten, of course. Senators often take turns questioning a witness--twenty minutes apiece, say. Biden was maybe half way through his twenty when he suddenly announced, "Of course, I have no idea what I'm taking about." The room, including Biden, burst out laughing. Then he started in again, and did have an idea after all.
Gaffes are his past anyway. He seems not to do them so much anymore. When they do come they seem less like written and rehearsed "zingers" and more like just ad-libbing Joe.
Anyway, you might tune in tonight. Two interesting men worth hearing.
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