Tuesday, September 4, 2012



       The Rev. Sun Myung Moon has died in his native South Korea.  He was 92.

     He led a religion, of course, the Unification Church, and he expected to change the world. The Washington Post summarized: "His stated ambition was to rule the world and replace Christianity with his own faith, which blended elements of Christianity, Confucianism, and Korean folk religions." He was as famous for mass weddings, probably, as for anything else. Hundreds of people.  Sometimes, the couples hadn't even met each other.

     He didn't rule the world, of course. No one has ruled the whole planet for a very long time, if ever. He raised huge amounts of money and built many, many churches

     What will happen to his faith now that he's gone? My guess is t
hat it will dwindle but not disappear.  Nobody, not even grumpy retired reporters, can know for sure. It must be time for the uncertain pundit's favorite line:  only time will tell. 



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