Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 15, 2012

The Washington Post has it about right today:  "Romney will face big test in Michigan;  Santorum now a threat in GOP front-runner's onetime home state." 
Well, true enough.  Romney grew up in Michigan.  His father was governor of the state.  And where did this guy, Rick Santorum, come from anyway? The Post, which can send people to these contests (I wish this column would send me but it won't) says the two are running about even in polling for the February 28th primary.  Santorum now will get the one-on-one matchup with Romney he has long wanted.  Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul are not paying much attention to the state. It's always hard in primaries.  Almost nobody has enough money to run hard everywhere. 
Candidates are faced with a series of questions.  Should I go all out and try to knock off Jones over here?  Should I split my money and hope to bring down Smith over there as well?  There are, of course, no easy answers to these questions. It seems to me, observing the race from a wistful distance, that it isn't a two man show yet.  Romney, of course, for now.  Santorum?  I don't think so but maybe.  Ron Paul?  I don't think even he would say maybe.  Newt Gingrich?  I'd bet against him but I've been wrong before.  But that's why we like all this stuff, isn't it?  Here we are hurtling toward spring and it isn't over yet.  Not even nearly over yet.
Oh, happy, happy, happy me.


steve45 said...

Hey there Bruce! Always enjoy your point of view.
Steve Kluber
Austin Texas

steve45 said...

Hey there Bruce! Always enjoy your point of view.
Steve Kluber
Austin Texas