What should you be watching this election tonight? Here's where I'll start.
The polls close at 7PM in Kentucky where Republicans are spending money on their 6th District challenger, Andy Barr, who's running against Democratic incumbent Representative Ben Chandler. If Chandler loses, experts say, it could be a long night for the Dems.
At 7:30 polls close in West Virginia where the Washington Post says Democratic Governor Joe Manchin appears to be ahead in the race for the open Senate seat once held by Robert Byrd. If Manchin loses, that's another sign of a good election for the GOP.
8PM? That's Florida, where a key Senate race pits Tea Party Republican Marco Rubio against Democrat Kendrick Meek and Governor Charlie Crist, a Republican running as an independent because he thought he'd lose the GOP primary to Rubio. A good one to watch.
9PM? Colorado, where appointed Democratic Senator Michael Bennet faces Ken Buck. The Post says this could be the closest Senate race in the country.
10PM? Nevada, where Democrat Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, is in a tough race against Republican Sharon Angle. They've spent about $ 50 million in a lightly populated state.
There are more, but those'll get you started.
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