Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 25, 2010

     It's Wednesday, the day after primary elections, so there must be results, right?  And they'll tell us stuff, right?  Well, I'm not so sure about that last part.  Depends on which state you look at, pretty much.
     This is an anti-incumbent year, right?  No, not in Arizona where veteran Republican senator John McCain won his primary against former congressman and talk show host J.D. Hayworth.  Hayworth called McCain a "shape-shifter" but that shouldn't have startled anyone;  it's something McCain's done before.  A funny result in Arizona--Ben Quayle, son of former vice president Dan, won his primary with just 22.7% of the vote. Ten candidates were running.
     In Florida Democratic Senate candidate Kendrick Meek, the establishment candidate, beat a self-financed billionaire Jeff Greene.  But the Republican Marco Rubio won, maybe because he's part of both worlds--former speaker of the Florida House, but also a Tea Party stalwart who chased GOP Governor Charlie Crist out of the primary. Crist will run as an independent this fall.  Florida should be fun come November.
     Alaska?  Too close to call.  Senator Lisa Murkowski, whose dad held the seat before her, trails Tea Party favorite Joe Miller. There are enough uncounted absentee ballots to change that.
     Bring on November!  I can hardly wait.  

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