Saturday, September 1, 2012

AUGUST 31, 2012

      Mitt Romney, I think, tried to use his convention to present himself as an ordinary guy not just someone who likes to tell people "You're fired." Did he succeed? We'll know in a couple of months.

     A woman named Pam Finlayson told how Romney visited her sick daughter in intensive care. "When he looked down tenderly at our daughter his eyes filled with tears".....When the girl died, the mother said, "When it comes to loving our neighbor, we can talk about it, or we can live it.  The Romneys live it every single day" 

     Compassion is a virtue, of course, but is it the only one we want our presidents to have?  

     I remember watching President Obama a few months ago on "The View"  talk show. He was very quick with words, very at ease. The first presidential debate should be a doozie.



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